1 Peter 1:2 "As. Newborn babes, desire the sincere milk of the word, that ye may grow thereby...."
Growth here is the increase in revelation knowledge and faith in God's word. It is not measured by your position in church or in the society. It is not measured by how long you've been born again. No one except Adam is born a full grown human physically. They are born babies and they grow up. Similarly no one is born a full grown Christian. You are born a spiritual babe (2Corinth5:17) and you grow up.
A babe can't do much; all a baby knows is eat. Everything to a babe is good for the mouth, that's why everything their hands finds goes their mouth. Even though food is good, not all food are good food. This is to say that babes needs assistance in order to feed right.
Spiritual babes are innocent because they don't have a past (2Corinth5:17).
From our opening verse " as new born babes, desire....." The word desire means a strong hunger for something. It is hunger that defines the importance of feeding; it is. Thirtiness that shows the neediness of be filled. When you are hungry and thirsty, it means you are healthy because sick people lose appetite. Our opening verse describes the Word as the sincere milk. Someone might ask "milk is for babies, so what is the food for the maturing Christians?". It is interesting to know that God's word is still that food( Heb 5:12-14). This is to say that God's Word is milk for babies and strong meat for maturing Christians. The word of God has dimensions. Go for the word today!!!
A child when born had no teeth to masticate solid food and so depends on milk. It is in feeding of the milk that the child grows and develop teeth for eating stronger food in due time.
The milk in this instance is the word of God that gives healing,miracle,favor,boldness. There is this saying that you are what you eat, so when you eat the Word, you grow in the knowledge of the word and you meditatively become what the word says.
It is expedient that you know that what God wants you to have primarily is not a healing, it is not money because all these are wrapped up in the word of God but what God wants you to have primarily is His word in your spirit. The word will make you what He talks about. Hallelujah!!!
It is important that a Christian grow in his faith and knowledge of God's word because until he grows, he cannot enjoy fully his inheritance in Christ. Gal 4:1-2 " until an heir grows, he is not different from a servant since he is still under tutorship." When he grows, he takes full position and state to reign. God wants us to grow into maturity in Christ in everything.
Note in Christianity, you don't Stop growing. Hallelujah....
Studying the word (2 Tim2:15) and pray the Word.
Consistency in service ( Heb10:25).
Having a regular fellowship with Holy Spirit.
Evangelism/ soul winning.
Study the word and meditate on it today.........Glory!!!
1 Peter 1:2 "As. Newborn babes, desire the sincere milk of the word, that ye may grow thereby...."
Growth here is the increase in revelation knowledge and faith in God's word. It is not measured by your position in church or in the society. It is not measured by how long you've been born again. No one except Adam is born a full grown human physically. They are born babies and they grow up. Similarly no one is born a full grown Christian. You are born a spiritual babe (2Corinth5:17) and you grow up.
A babe can't do much; all a baby knows is eat. Everything to a babe is good for the mouth, that's why everything their hands finds goes their mouth. Even though food is good, not all food are good food. This is to say that babes needs assistance in order to feed right.
Spiritual babes are innocent because they don't have a past (2Corinth5:17).
From our opening verse " as new born babes, desire....." The word desire means a strong hunger for something. It is hunger that defines the importance of feeding; it is. Thirtiness that shows the neediness of be filled. When you are hungry and thirsty, it means you are healthy because sick people lose appetite. Our opening verse describes the Word as the sincere milk. Someone might ask "milk is for babies, so what is the food for the maturing Christians?". It is interesting to know that God's word is still that food( Heb 5:12-14). This is to say that God's Word is milk for babies and strong meat for maturing Christians. The word of God has dimensions. Go for the word today!!!
A child when born had no teeth to masticate solid food and so depends on milk. It is in feeding of the milk that the child grows and develop teeth for eating stronger food in due time.
The milk in this instance is the word of God that gives healing,miracle,favor,boldness. There is this saying that you are what you eat, so when you eat the Word, you grow in the knowledge of the word and you meditatively become what the word says.
It is expedient that you know that what God wants you to have primarily is not a healing, it is not money because all these are wrapped up in the word of God but what God wants you to have primarily is His word in your spirit. The word will make you what He talks about. Hallelujah!!!
It is important that a Christian grow in his faith and knowledge of God's word because until he grows, he cannot enjoy fully his inheritance in Christ. Gal 4:1-2 " until an heir grows, he is not different from a servant since he is still under tutorship." When he grows, he takes full position and state to reign. God wants us to grow into maturity in Christ in everything.
Note in Christianity, you don't Stop growing. Hallelujah....
Studying the word (2 Tim2:15) and pray the Word.
Consistency in service ( Heb10:25).
Having a regular fellowship with Holy Spirit.
Evangelism/ soul winning.
Study the word and meditate on it today.........Glory!!!
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