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Showing posts from July, 2019

Correction is not Critcism

Correction and criticism seems to be alike when we use them to express our opinions towards people, but a deep study revealed that they're not the same. Let's go and study some things about them starting with their definitions. Criticism - An expression of disapproval of something or someone on to the basis of a perceived fault(s) or mistakes. From this definition you will notice key words like (1)expression  of disapproval, (2)based on a perceived fault or mistakes. Criticism is also synonymous to condemnation, disapproval...Etc.. Correction -  is a change that makes something more accurate than it was before. It's a change that rectifies an error. Key words are change, makes accurate. Synonyms are improvement, amendment..etc.       DIFFERENCES - Criticism reveals the fault or mistake while Correction reveals the improvements from the fault or mistake. - When you receive Corrrection, it will point to a better outcome. Criticism will only show you t...