Correction and criticism seems to be alike when we use them to express our opinions towards people, but a deep study revealed that they're not the same. Let's go and study some things about them starting with their definitions. Criticism - An expression of disapproval of something or someone on to the basis of a perceived fault(s) or mistakes. From this definition you will notice key words like (1)expression of disapproval, (2)based on a perceived fault or mistakes. Criticism is also synonymous to condemnation, disapproval...Etc.. Correction - is a change that makes something more accurate than it was before. It's a change that rectifies an error. Key words are change, makes accurate. Synonyms are improvement, amendment..etc. DIFFERENCES - Criticism reveals the fault or mistake while Correction reveals the improvements from the fault or mistake. - When you receive Corrrection, it will point to a better outcome. Criticism will only show you t...
How do I know when I am making the right decision? Prov 3:5-6 “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your path” There are people who are of the opinion that when they feel good about a decision, it’s the right one. Feeling good about a decision has nothing to do with it being right or wrong. You can make a good decision and feel bad about it and you can make a bad decision and feel good about it. So it’s got nothing to do with how you feel. What you need is the knowledge of God’s Word and a good relationship with the Holy Spirit. When you give yourself to the Word of God and yield to the prompting of the Spirit of God, you’d always be guided in every situation to make decision that are consistent with God’s will and purpose for you. And if it requires that you talk to someone, you can discuss with your Pastor, because pastoral guidance could be of help in certain situations. A...