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Correction is not Critcism

Correction and criticism seems to be alike when we use them to express our opinions towards people, but a deep study revealed that they're not the same. Let's go and study some things about them starting with their definitions. Criticism - An expression of disapproval of something or someone on to the basis of a perceived fault(s) or mistakes. From this definition you will notice key words like (1)expression  of disapproval, (2)based on a perceived fault or mistakes. Criticism is also synonymous to condemnation, disapproval...Etc.. Correction -  is a change that makes something more accurate than it was before. It's a change that rectifies an error. Key words are change, makes accurate. Synonyms are improvement, amendment..etc.       DIFFERENCES - Criticism reveals the fault or mistake while Correction reveals the improvements from the fault or mistake. - When you receive Corrrection, it will point to a better outcome. Criticism will only show you t...
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The Incorruptible Nature

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...YOU ARE WHAT YOU SAY...        "For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation." Rom10:10  Our opening verse says ".....with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.." The word confession in the new testament is derived from the Greek word "homologia" meaning to speak the same thing in agreement with another. This means that you should agree with, and say what the Word of God says about you or your situation. Just like God said in the beginning "let there be light" and light appeared, so has He given you the ability to speak, to create things (bring those into being). Don't damage your destiny with your mouth but declare the Word to your world. Never talk failure. ............God bless you all... You can like our Facebook page for more articles:

Thinking Part 2

Thinking part 2 "Proneo" is the Greek translation meaning the ability to think. It also mean to direct the mind to, seek for.... ........THE MIND...... The  mind is the part of man that has the ability to think. it the faculty of man's reasoning and thought. It holds the ability of imagination and recognition, and also processing feelings, emotion, resulting in action. ........THOUGHT...... thought has the ability to create,recall,process images for meaningful understanding,reason and expressions. The mind has the ability to connect ideas in order to solve problems. Remember we said that thinking has to do with strategizing, planning in order to solve problems. So the mind connect ideas created by thoughts, process them for expression. Proneo which means to direct the mind to a thing. This is the ability of a person to take control of his mind and direct it to a situation. DO I HAVE CONTROL OF MY MIND? Sometimes circumstances makes you think that you don't h...